Disassembly of factories and machines

Home » Disassembly of factories and machines
Our Company has lots of experience in the field of the disassembly of various industrial facilities, machines or even entire factories. Regardless of whether you need disassembly as waste, or even precision disassembly, in both cases you have all of our tools and the necessary staff at your disposal for the fast and professional performance of these works.

Owing to the high recovery ratio of the extracted raw materials and our experiences of over 25 years, we can fulfill the orders at a competitive price.

We can always give an accurate price quote on building demolition after an on-site survey, which our staff perform free of charge.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for a price quote.

Pál Stefkovics

Head of Business Development

Mihály Polgári

Commercial representative

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Companies (B2B): Show

Private individuals (B2C): Show

Opening hours

Mon-Thu: 7:15 am to 4 pm F: 7 am to 2:30 pm

For private suppliers:

Mon-Thu: 7:15 am to 3 pm F: 7:15 am to 1:45 pm

Car deregistration:

Mon-Thu: 7:15 am to 2:30 pm 7:15 am to 1:00 pm

Lunch break: 12:00 am -12:30 pm


Mü-Gu Kft.

H-1239 Budapest, Ócsai út 4/a.

H-2351 Alsónémedi land register reference 3310/4